Disregard any information from this account

by Mercy Ogunniyi | October 31st 2020
Important notice!  Please take note of this paramount information, the Facebook account name okandeji muyiwa has been hack.  Works has been carried on in order to retrieve it back, thanks for your usual understanding. ...

The commencement of pavement of alphart township road in shao

by Mercy Ogunniyi | October 30th 2020
The Kwara state Government has commenced asphalt pavement of Shao Township Road which is meant to open up the ancient town for economic growth and development.  The construction work is being supervised by the Kwara S...

Patience is a virture

by Mercy Ogunniyi | October 30th 2020
By mercy kehinde ogunniyi PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE  Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances such as perseverance in the face of delay, tolerance of provocation without responding in annoyance/ anger...
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