by Mercy Ogunniyi
October 30th 2020.

By mercy kehinde ogunniyi

Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances such as perseverance in the face of delay, tolerance of provocation without responding in annoyance/ anger ; or forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer term difficulties . Patience is the level of endurance one can have before negativity. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast. The Antonyms include hastiness and impetuousness .

To achieve goal in life, the application of patience is very important because reaching any height in life there is always a waiting period.

 Virtue, means accordance of moral principle, conformity of behavior or thought with strictures of morality. It also means particular manifestation of moral excellence in a person, it's also an admirable quality.
In view of this virtue can be said to be a GOOD MORAL CONDUCT. As well as patience

Patience is provitable and we also while  impatience is not. 
Benefits of being patience;
1. Knowledge,
2. Understanding,
3. Experience,
4. Dreams come true, e.t.c.

Taking a chritical at biblical characters that portrays patiece in the Bible;
1. Joseph ( Genesis 37-41),
2. Ruth ( Ruth),
3. Hannah ( 1Samuel 1),
4. Job ( 1:6-22, 2:1-13, 42:10-13), e.t.c.

Things that one must posses in other to portray a patience character.
1. Determination,
2.Setting Goals,
3. Seek for Advice,
4. Hardworking,
5. Jumping process(Shortcut)
6. Gentleness,
7. Faith,
8. Seeking God's help.

 DETERMINATION: Being determined, willingness and readiness to achieve a certain goal no matter what comes your way. Patience and determination works together, a patience person need to be determined to gain something. 
Patience is like boiling a stone and waiting till it get soft. It sounds impossible, but determination makes you wait to achieve that thing that sounds impossible.
Patience and determination does not have same meaning but they are great partners on the path to success. Determination is the key to success. Determination makes one hardworking.

SETTING GOALS : This means having knowledge of the goal you want to achieve, understanding what you want to achieve, knowing how you can achieve it, why you must achieve it.

Achieving a goal is like heading on a journey, whereas you must know the journey ahead of you. Once you know what you want to achieve and why you must achieve it, you will make sure you achieve it, nothing will discourage you from achieving it because you have the determination before embarking on the journey.

It's a great thing to have the knowledge of what you intend to achieve, if you are not knowledgeable of it, it will seems difficult to achieve the goal because distractions and discouragement will be inevitable. When you don't have full knowledge of what you want to achieve you won't know the benefit of being patient.

SEEK ADVICE : Advice is an opinion recommended or offered, and worthy to be followed. A patient person will seek for advise in order to know more about certain things, or to find solutions to a particular problem or in order to learn from people's experience and to avoid making a terrible mistake.
An old adage says "experience is the best teacher". Most time people who gives reasonable advise give it out of experience.
 Well, I will say we do have do have experience in different forms or dimensions. Hearing a certain happening will make you to be experienced about that certain thing. Or peradventure it happens to you . like I said earlier, experience is the best teacher.
Though to some seeking advice mightseems to be a waste of time while it's not, a patient person will definitely deek advice because he/she knows the benefit of it. Also a patient person also learn from their younger ones.impatient will make one to see that as a waste of time.

Note: not all adviceare meant to be followed, some are meant to teach us lesson.  you have to think twice.

HARDWORKING & SHORTCUT : Hardworking simply means taking work serious and doing it well and being consistent. Working fervently, very hard towards a goal, not relenting or being  tired. 

Shortcut is a method to accomplish something while jumping processes. A patient person must be diligent and hardworking. An hardworking person will not jump process in to reach a desired goal.
A person who jump processes won't reach a desired goal. Someone who jump the processes of reading to pass an exam and cheated to pass might had a success but not a good one, future will definitely speak. The person might be successful to people but a great faiure in the inner part.
Shortcut is also like laying a bad foundation for a building, when people see the attractive building they congratulates the owner and the same set of people who congratulates the person will later pity the person when the building collapse. Sure, a building with a bad foundation will never last, it will definitely  collapse. It's just a wasted effort.
 And as well as there are many shortcut to success but it will later end up in failure. Shortcut on path to success is a failure in disguise but unknowingly to many which makes them to  fall into the trap, it is faster but very dangerous.

 Now, taking a critical look at the two ( hardworking and shortcut ) it is better to work hard and have a good success that will last forever than jumping processes (shortcut) that will lead to everlasting regret.

GENTLENESS: Gentleness is the act of been gentle. Being gentle also means soft and mild rather than hard and severe. Polite and respectful rather than rude. Tender and amiable of a considerate or kindly disposition. Possessing sweetness of disposition, having sweetness of temper, kindhearted which causes one to be liked as an amiable person.
Some people takes gentleness as stupidity but. I will say gentleness is also a virtue.
To relate gentleness with Patience, they both work together. A patient person must be a calm person in order to achieve somethings.
Patience means waiting to achieve a goal without losing temper and gentleness is sweetness of temper. In order not to loss temper one have to be gentle. A calm person will always do things with carefulness.
A respectful person will be free to seek advice from elderly ones.
A gentle person find things easy even when it looks tough.

FAITH: A feeling, conviction or belief that something is true or real without having evidence.
An obligation of loyalty or fidelity and the observance of such an obligation. A true or confidence in the intentions of abilities of a person, object or idea. it boost one's self confidence. It helps one to be more determined.
Faith and determination deals with reality. An imaginary faith and determination is like an overboard fishing expedition.

SEEKING GOD'S HELP: In anything we do in ours lives we must put God first and seek him always. As recorded in Matt 66:33.
A patient person must be a God faring person. When you are waiting patiently to achieve a goal you should seek God's help to stand still.
Determination, faith, advice and hard work without God's help will result to an imaginary success.
(God _ life _ lives _ success/failure)
God gave us life, in our lives we have our lives and in our lives we have both success and failure, we have the right to choose one. God help us to choose rightly.
Many wanted success but without God's help they fell into the trap of failure.
If God is on our side, no man can be against us.

 To achieve success in your academic, career or marital life patience is also needed.
 There are two major things that can hinder one from being patient.
1. Procrastination
2. Laziness

 Procrastination is the act of postponing, delaying or putting off, especially out of habitual carelessness
 Laziness means unwilling to do work or make an effort. 
When you feel reluctant to do something you will surely procrastinate and laziness leads to procrastination. When you postpone something you might not be able to do that iy again and If such is a necessity laziness will makes u to jump processes and look for shortcuts.
A patient person should not procrastinate in order to achieve a permanent success and  not a temporary one.

Bibical reverance about patience
Psalms 37:7
Psalms 40:1-5
Proverbs 19:1-29
Lamentations 3:25-26
Hebrews 6:14-15
James 5:7-11


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