by Mercy Ogunniyi
October 30th 2020.


I wonder why many of nowadays youth are too lazy;many complain and blame their parent for being poor.yet they also are still laying on the path. 

In a generation where we found ourselves, where the two parent are indolent yet out of their wards just in order to meet up with the standard of the society. 

Alot of complain have been made, but let me says it categorically that do you realize your parent inability or been poor to take care of you is not their fault? Yes! It wasn't their fault at all...
After all, they have try their best, they can't do more than they are doing. As far as they are not lazy.  
Its now you, I mean you yourself to be versatile and be energetic enough to rewrite your family story.
If you continue to complain about your parent weakness, remember your children your coming generation are also waiting for you also. 

In fact, I sense in my spirit that during the time of the so called parent of ours things are even better than this;you complain your parent are yet they gives you the below??:
*pay up your bills etc. 

My brother wise up, your parent have try enough its now your own time to fight the battle. 

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