
by Mercy Ogunniyi | November 12th 2020
Illiteracy  THE CAUSE, EFFECT AND SOLUTION  Mercy kehinde ogunniyi  The word "illiteracy"is ambigious;its however the "Quality or state of being illiterate especially inability to read or write.  According to research...


by Mercy Ogunniyi | November 9th 2020
Matching forward  Today Sunday 8th Nova 2020,while speaking on the theme MATCHING FORWARD during the 31st annual main choir anniversary at the church auditorium. The minister in charge 2nd ecwa church shao Rev Dr D A...

Shao AWONGA a tool to build kwara state ECONOMY

by Mercy Ogunniyi | October 31st 2020
SHAO AWONGA: A TOOL TO BUILD KWARA STATE ECONOMY Project Information: Format: MS WORD :: Chapters: 1-5 :: Pages: 90 :: Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis,abstract, table of content, references :: 2,054 people fou...
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