by Mercy Ogunniyi
November 12th 2020.

  • Illiteracy 
Mercy kehinde ogunniyi 

The word "illiteracy"is ambigious;its however the "Quality or state of being illiterate especially inability to read or write. 
According to research, The united Nation Educational, scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO) defined literacy as "Ability to identify, understand, interpret, creat, communicate and compute, using printed and writting materials associated with varing contexts, literacy involves a continue of learning in enabling imdividuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their commmunity and society as a whole.  
Therefore, base on the above definition i can say categorically that ILLITERACY is the inability of an individual to identify, understand, interpret, creat, communicate and compute using printed and written material associated with varing contexs. 
Illiteracy keeps people chained to ignorance, slavery in action and exploitation in a number of ways. 
For example, an individual might refuse medical care because of faith in a clergy. 
Albertor manguel once said in one of his book titled THE HISTORY OF READING"As centuries of dictators have known, an illiterate crowd is the easiest to rule ;since the craft of reading cannot be un taught once it has been acquired, the second -best recourse is to limit its scope". 
Furthermore, illiterate people are the inferior segment of the society moreover the underdevelop countries are mostly in the bond of illiteracy. The level of illiteracy in a society is always measured by human development in each society, life expedancy, literacy, education and standard of living of a country. 
A research proven it that the world statistics institute (WSI) shows that over 27% of the world population are illiterates. Another study by the same institute shows that the speed at which illiteracy rate rises is 32%. The rates are relatively important, as Illitearcy has negatives effect on the society at large. 
Let's discuss some causes and effect of illiteracy on Economic and Genetic. 
-sometimes people who are illiterate are called the UN_EDUCATED people. 
The most important effect is that illiteracy works as an inhibitor to the society, in other words, the more illiterate people in a country ;the harder it will before the country to progress. 
Illiteracy is caused by lack of proper education. We all know, Education is the bedrock for the future, therefore if you do not have education, you might be considered as the rejected in the society. Education comes with a sub-consious elation of optimism. 
 Someone without education might feel intimidated by an educated person just because proper education enlighten an individual to know his/her rights. With education, he/she can differtiate between ethicality(the state of manner) and morality. A respondent once said "70 out of 100 people in the world cannot read. If you can read then you are the luckiest out of 2million people in the world that cannot ". 
_call bain 
 Economic condition of the people which we also regards as "Poverty is refers to the state of severe deprivation of basic human needs, which commonly includes food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, health care, education and information ".-Wikipedia 
 Nevertheless, talking about poverty is a by-product of illiteracy, which is why most underdeveloped counties have the highest rate of illiteracy in the world.An ignorance person will always despise his capability to do beyond a certain limit, he is a pessimist(worst), he does sometimes believe that the World owes him a living. And a respondent once said "Never expect life to give you what you want, but what you deserve from it". No one sleeping 8 hours a day can never make it in life as person who has plan for his or her own life. Bible even support it in 2 Thessalonians 3-10_13"for even when we were with you, we would give you this command :if anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. 
Since bible has support, this we have to work earnestly and tiredness to achieve what we deserve from the world. 
However, poverty deters an individual to contribute his quota to the society, it's full of social-economic development of any society. A poor man can never have believe in himself achieve some life entitlement such as health care, education, housing etc All his believe will be it just a dream which cannot be achieve throughout his time on earth, since he does not have the means to satisfy his basic needs, and other entitlement of life. 
"Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it fall on a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom". 
-Nelson Mandela
 -Genetic effect 
Let's also have a view, on how illiteracy portray to genetic. I know it might seem funny but believe me most of illiterate people in our society today, many heredit this from family traits. I know of a girl, who once lives in our neighborhood that knows nothing, neither his father nor her mother were literate. Even her existing grand parents. Don't let me digress alot. 
Pertaining to what am saying, yes! One can heredict illiterate through his/her parents. 
As the saying goes "we came to this earth with nada(nothing) and we will leave with nada(nothing). We are all born without the knowledge of the society which we found ourselves, therefore there is need to aclliamatize and familiarize ourselves with the society. At a tender age which I called strategic age gap, mostly, between 1to4 years children learn about the society from their Atmosphere(environment) which is mostly the parents. It is in those strategic age gap that children learn between Good and Bad reality and fallacy morality and immorality, God and Satan etc. 
So, when children are within this age bracket mention above, parents have to play a vital and pungent role to guide and monitor the academic affairs of their children to be God fearing and to have respect for those older than them, parent learn their offering the culture norms And tradition of their language. 
Conclusively, let's take a look at the way out of illiteracy. 
Reminiscing(recall) back to history ;the uneducated majority of the populance are slaves, maids, helpers, assistant, messenger, drivers, Gardner e.t.c. 
 Illiteracy is not natural neither is it inherent. It can be cured, reduced and eradicated by universarlizing primary and secondary school at no cost. This can be achieved by both private and governmental institution teaming up together to provide support policies and finances. 
Research recorded that, Russia and China are perfect epitome of country who conducted together to say No to ILLITERACY. So, nothing is stopping Nigeria also for during or also collaborating with other country to fight against illiteracy, just like Dangote groups of company etc. Sincerely speaking illiteracy is a deadly disease.. The individual, society and government have vital responsibility to play in solving in the problem of illiteracy. The utmost responsibility lies with the parents who are the first instance impact to their kids. 
Lastly, if parent can monitor their children and give them the necessary responsibility the term ILLITERACY we come to an END. 
May God help us all.

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